
What will happen if the plies of a multi-ply girder truss are not fastened together properly? Overloading and, potentially, chord fractures can occur.  

It can be often misunderstood whether a Truss Design Engineer has the responsibility to seal a Truss Placement Diagram (TPD). The purpose of this Research Report is to provide the relevant code sections from the latest editions of the International Building Code (IBC) for thorough analysis and interpretation. 

It can be often misunderstood whether Truss Designers have the responsibility to seal a Truss Placement Diagram (TPD). The purpose of this Research Report is to provide the relevant code sections from the International Building Code (IBC) and the California Building Code for a thorough analysis and interpretation. 

ASCE/SEI 7-10, Minimum Design Loads of Buildings and Other Structures, lists two methods for calculating wind pressures: Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS) and Components & Cladding (C&C). This report will provide information to assist the building designer in deciding upon the appropriate analysis method for uplift due to wind loading.

The repair and modification of metal plate connected wood trusses can be a very complicated subject, because each situation must be analyzed individually. This Research Report will give an overview of the fundamental principles behind truss repair that inform the truss designer’s approach in all truss scenarios.

Explore the two different methods used to calculate a wall panel’s capacity to resist applied lateral loads.

Consider for a moment the basics of manufacturing a truss. Based on SBCA’s 2012 Financial Performance Survey, lumber accounts for roughly 40 percent of the total cost. Plates account for about eight percent of the total cost. Design and production labor account for 30 percent, and delivery, sales and overhead account for the remaining 22 percent (these are rough industry averages). All other things being equal, if you could decrease your lumber costs by a few percentage points while raising your plate costs a small amount, would you take the trade-off?

SBCRI Testing & SBCA Research Reports can transform your market.

The first two Standard of Care articles discussed deferred submittals and truss-to-truss connections. This article explores truss minimum required bearing width issues from the perspective of the design community.

Gypsum wallboard provides an excellent example as to
why accurate design values are so vital to structural design.

Introduction: Why the Interior Finish Installation Is Important