The truss industry is currently employing ASCE as its source for the loading of live loads to the bottom chord of trusses for uninhabitable attics, in accordance with the International Residential Code and the International Building Code. However, there currently is a discrepancy between ASCE 7, the IBC and the IRC. This report examines the discrepancy and the correct loading for proper truss design.

This presentation provides information on and requirements for the use of metal channel to meet lateral restraint/bracing requirements for metal plate connected wood trusses.

This Research Report provides construction details for residential deck ledger attachment to metal plate connected wood truss floor systems. Proper attachment of the deck ledger to the house is critical for ensuring that an “attached” deck is safely and securely supported at this location. 

This presentation shows how code compliant use of MPCWT to support brick veneer can be accomplished and can be applied to many different situations utilizing MPCWT’s.